About Our CSA
Sign-up forms for our 2022/2023 season were sent on October 16th. If you did not receive yours, or you are new customer wanting to sign up, email us at spinach@snughavenfarm.com
or call (608) 424-3296.
Organic Spinach, Rolled Oats, and Egg Deliveries
Deliveries will be made every other week on Wednesdays, starting in November through middling-April. There will be a total of 10 deliveries with the schedule for delivery sent out at the end of October.
Spinach is harvested fresh before delivery, pre-washed in a stainless steel tank using our personal well water and is high quality, crispy, dark green and ready to eat. Above all it tastes sweet with no bitterness.
Certified Organic Rolled Oats is now available as a standard share and will be delivered along with the spinach deliveries.
Egg shares are available from our lovely hens on pasture. Our hens are free-range in a mobile coop during the growing season and in a hoop house in the winter. They eat fermented Organic feed and all the vegetables they can handle.
The deadline for signing up for the 2022/2023 season to receive our farm’s fresh "frost sweetened" dark green winter spinach is Monday, October 31st!
Mail completed form along with your check or money order to Snug Haven Farm at 1170 Hageman Rd, Belleville, WI, 53508.
Share Options
Veggie Shares will be one and two lbs of “frost sweetened” spinach and 2 other vegetables (carrots, kale, arugula, etc.)
Certified Organic Rolled Oats Shares will be one lb per delivery. One lb is approximately 4 cups of rolled oats. Order as many shares as you would like! $40.00/share
Pickup Locations
West Regent St. area
Vilas Ave area
Williamson St. area
Rural Verona
East Side Madison
On UW campus
Mount Horeb
West Side Madison
Additional Information
Customer Assistance Fund Cost
Please take note of our Customer Assistance Fund (CAF) - now in year 12!!!! - calculated with the standard cost, on the spinach form. In the past 11 years we have been able to supply spinach at a much reduced rate to the REAP Food Group’s “Farm to School Snack Program” and to families that had fallen on hard times. This wonderful opportunity to supply healthy food to kids, comes from our farm and wouldn’t be possible without your generosity. Many thanks to those of who have been able to give above and beyond the suggested amount in past years. If you are able, there is an opportunity on the sign up form to add just a couple of extra dollars to your total cost. Thank you in advance if you decide to do this. If you or your family are in need this year, please contact us.
Missed Delivery
Missed delivery from Snug Haven Farm: Due to extra cold weather or inclement weather, we may have to cancel one of your deliveries. This has only happened 2 times in the past 15 years so it is not very likely. If that does happen, rest assured that we will add an extra delivery on to the end of your schedule. When you send in your form don't forget to let us know how you want to receive farm info and delivery day reminders - text, email or both.
Pickup Confirmation
You will be receiving a confirmation letter with your pick-up schedule during the last part of October – deliveries will start in November. Timing of the first delivery will be dependent on growth and weather conditions as we need a good hard frost before our first harvest.